Do’s & Don’ts of Tooth Extraction for Kids

Apr 01, 2020

Nothing can replace your natural teeth. However, if there is no otherwise, dental implants can be used. Bridges and crowns can also be used to replace the extracted teeth. Your teeth may have to be extracted due to several reasons;

Periodontal Disease

This infection affects both the bones and tissues around your teeth. Bacteria cause the infection, and it is usually painless. In the event of periodontal disease, the tooth has to be extracted. The periodontal disease accounts for most of these extraction procedures.

Crowded Mouth

A dentist may have to extract your teeth in preparation for orthodontia. If your teeth are too big to fit in your mouth, orthodontia is done to align your teeth properly. Wisdom teeth removal may be recommended for impacted third molars.

Dental Cavities

These are holes that develop on the tooth enamel as a result of decay caused by bacteria. Dental cavities cause toothaches and teeth sensitivity. They affect both adults and children. Teeth extraction for kids is as safe as extraction in adults, so you shouldn’t worry about having your kid’s teeth pulled out.

Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth come when one is in his/her late teens and early twenties. They are also called third molars, and they are usually removed when they start being painful or developing infections. Wisdom teeth are associated with getting stuck in the jaws and causing pain and swelling. Wisdom teeth are among the major reasons why people have their teeth extracted.

Dental Trauma

Serious injuries to the teeth, jawbones, and gums are referred to as dental trauma. Knocked-out teeth, cracked or fractured teeth, dental intrusion, and dental luxation are examples of dental trauma. Dental traumas are very painful because of the sensitivity of oral tissues. In the case of dental trauma, your dentist has to extract the affected tooth.

Types of Tooth Extraction

There are two types of extraction:

Surgical Extraction

Oral surgeons mostly perform this type of extraction. However, the procedure can also be conducted by qualified dentists. This type of extraction involves cutting through the gums to remove a painful impacted tooth. A surgical extraction is necessary for teeth that are broken and stuck below the gums.

Simple Extraction

This extraction is performed on teeth above the gums. The procedure does not require cutting through the gums. It is simple, and the healing time is quicker compared to surgical extraction. Crowded teeth and teeth with dead roots can also be removed using simple extraction. Wisdom teeth extraction for kids can be done using this type of extraction.


Before the procedure, the dentist will give you an anesthetic injection to sedate the area where the tooth will be extracted. Your dentist will give you a stronger anesthetic that will numb your whole body and make you sleep throughout the whole process.

For an impacted tooth, the dentist will cut through the gum and the bone tissue, then grasp the tooth and pull it back and forth. The tooth will be loose as a result of rocking it, and the dentist will then pull it gently.

A blood clot will form after extraction. A gauze pad will then be packed in the socket, and your dentist will ask you to bite down on to the gauze pad to stop the bleeding. Sometimes the dentists stitch the side of the gum with self-dissolving stitches.

Some patients develop dry socket where the blood clot breaks, causing sharp pains. In case of any complications, you can visit Kids First Dental in Lancaster, SC, and see our dentist. We are always ready to help.

Things to tell your Doctor before Extraction

Patients who undergo this procedure have fewer chances of developing complications. However, you should make sure to disclose your medical history to the dentist. Inform him in advance if you have any of the following conditions:

  • Liver cirrhosis
  • Heart-related problems
  • A weak immune system
  • Artificial joints

Dos and Don’ts after an Extraction Procedure

Here is a list of things you should and shouldn’t do after tooth extraction.


  • Take all drugs prescribed by the dentist
  • Bite on the gauze pad for faster clotting
  • Use an ice bag to prevent swelling immediately after the procedure


  • Eat hard solid foods immediately after extraction

Don’t forget to contact us if you are looking for an experienced dentist in Lancaster. Our staff is made up of experienced personnel, and you can count on our modern technology for comfortable procedures. Book an appointment online!

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