After any dental procedure, how you care for your mouth impacts the success of your treatment. The concept applies whether the dental procedure was surgical or non-invasive. All specialties of dentistry dictate proper care of your oral cavity soon after the procedure.
In preventive dentistry, the same applies when you get fluoride treatment. Even though the process does not involve an invasive procedure, you need to heed a couple of instructions that help you sustain the results of the treatment.
It is a dental procedure that involves nourishing the enamel of teeth, making them stronger and more resilient in the fight against dental cavities and tooth decay. The fluoride treatment is mainly for kids, more so in the cavity-prone years of their lives, mainly between 6 and 14 years.
The treatment involves increasing the concentration of fluoride absorbed in the mouth. Ideally, fluoride is a natural mineral that is found in foods we consume regularly, including water and boiled fish. It is also present in some toothpaste used for oral hygiene. However, the amount in such sources may not be sufficient for teeth, especially when the goal is fighting against dental cavities. This is why fluoride treatment is offered in preventive dentistry.
The process is a short procedure that involves applying fluoride varnish to teeth. First, the dentist cleans your teeth to remove any plaque and loose debris thereof. After the cleaning, the dentist applies a coat of fluoride varnish on the enamel of your teeth. The varnish is applied using a cotton swab or a small toothbrush.
When the fluoride element mixes with saliva, it hardens your teeth. This process is done quickly and is virtually painless. Once the fluoride is activated in your mouth, your dentist will give you instructions on how to care for your mouth afterward.
One thing you will learn at Kids First Dental – Lancaster is that the fluoride varnish will be on your teeth for up to 6 hours or so. These initial hours after your procedure are crucial to the success of the treatment. Some instructions you must follow include:
You need to allow the varnish to be properly absorbed by your teeth before you can eat anything. This should take about 4 to 6 hours. Usually, your dentist will ask you to eat after the 6-hour window. This is why you should eat before going to the dentist’s office for fluoride treatment.
After the first day of your treatment, feel free to resume your normal eating habits and foods. Only the first 6 hours of the first day after your treatment should affect the foods you eat.
While you may be allowed to eat shortly after your treatment, you need to wait before you brush your teeth. Dr. Lindsey Koerich usually recommends brushing your teeth the next day after your treatment. However, you can brush your teeth after 6 or so hours after your treatment.
After the 6 hours since your treatment, thoroughly brush your teeth. This will help get rid of any excess fluoride that your teeth have not absorbed.